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Review categories > Website Design Books > Getting Hits
By: Jim Moran
Review for 'Getting Hits'

Rating: 5 of out 6

Written By: Don Sellers

Page Count: 200

Cover Type: Softcover

Published By: Peachpit Press

Date Published: 02/1997

List Price: $19.95

Author's Site:

Success in any business or profession is measured by results. Take the game of baseball. A number of major league teams will sweat out a 162-game season with one goal in mind - making it to the World Series. To have any hope of getting there each team must have good solid pitching, excellent fielding capability, and have the ability to produce runs. To produce runs these teams need good hitting. The same logic is applicable to the online business world. To have any chance of scoring big with your business online you need a Website that will produce hit after hit!

Don Sellers has written Getting Hits to assist Webmasters and business people alike to produce Websites that will attract the attention of major league search engines and keep people coming back. Sub-titled The Definitive Guide to Promoting Your Website, this book is entirely devoted to bringing the message home in an easy-to-learn manner. Attention is given to a number of specific issues that require consideration, such as tailoring Websites to specific search engines, linking Websites, working the newsgroups, using mailing lists, and offline advertising. The author calls upon the assistance of pinch hitters to offer their own contributions to the book.

The book devotes a considerable amount of time discussing the use of search engines. Rightly so because they offer the most popular means of scouting for information online. Detailed information about the most popular search engines is provided, including how they work and the best methods to employ to set up Websites to respond to them. Helpful coaching instruction is offered to make the best use of "META" tags and other programming to aid the search process. Factors to consider include word frequency, words in the Web page title, keyword selection, and page length.

According to the authors there is more to Website promotion than just programming. Active participation in newsgroup discussions, posting press releases, submitting links to other Websites, the use of banners and other forms of advertising are essential to promote any Website. Chapters on defining and launching Website advertising campaigns are very helpful for rookies breaking ground online. This book will make a great business player out of anyone in no time at all!

Before spending big bucks to have someone else promote your Website for you, add this book to your lineup of business tools! It is a great team player with much to contribute to the success of any field of online information sharing. Have Don Sellers and his team go to bat for you today! Highly recommended!